'Making It' Showcase October 29 2013

I'm honoured that we're included in this year's exhibition of local designer-makers, organised partly by Richard, the studio manager at Rodhus where our workshop is based.

From the press release:



 MAKING IT is a clever collaboration lead by the inspiration of Richard Ainsworth  owner of the dynamic Rodhus Studios in Brighton www.rodhus.co.uk  Together with long time friend and colleague Ian Elwick  (The Werks, The Dock, Westwerks and Coachwerks)  www.thewerks.org.uk  who brings both creativity  and business support acumen to the table.

This clever pair put their heads together to  came up with this cunning plan and  it has resulted in a project that stands out from the crowd  for 4 very important reasons

1. The high quality of the  selected exhibitors

2. Creative industries working hand in hand with strong business support

3. The celebration of  businesses trading not only in the UK but worldwide (need to add some impressive stockist here)

4. The intention to inspire a future generation of creative talent 


The exhibition will be held at Gallery 40,  40 Gloucester Rd  North Laine, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 4AQ

 For more information please contact:

Richard Ainsworth.  Tel 07843 330232  info@rodhus.co.uk

Ian Elwick. Tel 07970 858053 ian.elwick@werkshop.org.uk


The Facebook page, along with more information, is here. It's running from October 30th to November 10th, and is open Mon - Sat between 11:30am and 6pm, and Sundays 12pm to 4pm.

Alun Callender has been taking photos of the makers, including a particularly brooding one of me, and they're on display as well.

There are quite a few very talented people showing stuff there, and we're exhibiting three new pieces as well as our Breadboard coffee table. They're all for sale, so prise your wallets open and get down there.